Depicting Genocide: 20th Century Responses to the Holodomor

The famine (1932-1933)

The "mechanics" of what occurred in Ukraine in the 1932-1933 period are now well documented and understood. There has been much recent research based on records from the GPU/KGB/NKVD and other Soviet government archives that were opened in Ukraine (and, for a while, in Russia) after 1991. These have largely confirmed and even strengthened the conclusions of the groundbreaking research by Robert Conquest, James Mace, and other scholars in the 1980s.

Food shortages and famines were widespread in the USSR in the early 1930s. Ukraine and the Kuban region of the northern Caucasus were distinctive, however, in that conscious, intentional actions by the Soviet government made the famine considerably worse, reaching the level of genocide.

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