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Dates "from the creation of the world"
1 2021-04-26T21:32:03-04:00 Michael Andrec b47dc81430ec8a9df031d1883b5156df4684c670 2 7 plain 2021-05-14T18:15:09-04:00 Michael Andrec b47dc81430ec8a9df031d1883b5156df4684c670This page is referenced by:
Antimension of Filaret (Amfiteatrov) and Paladii (Vidybida-Rudenko), 1849/1944
Engraving on silk (19 in × 23 in)
UHEC Patriarch Mstyslav Museum permanent collection
This antimension was issued by Metropolitan of Kyiv Filaret to the parish of the Holy Transfiguration in the town of Polychyntsi in 1849. However, this object is perhaps even more significant for what is written on the reverse:
The text is in Ukrainian (with some Church Slavonicisms) and reads: "This antimension, sanctified by the insertion of relics of Holy Great Martyr Barbara at the Metropolitan [Cathederal] of the Holy Myrrh-bearer Maria Magdalena in Warsaw, 25/12 June, 1944 by the member of the Holy Council of Bishops Archbishop Palladii. This antimension is the Holy Table for the church of the Holy Protection in the city of Utica, New York. [signed] The humble Palladii, Archbishop"
Palladii Vidybida was ordained within the Orthodox Church of Poland in 1941, and he played a key role in the 1942 Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church by supporting the renewal of the All-Ukrainian Orthodox Church Council. Obviously, this inscription was written by Palladii when he was already in the United States and the parish in Utica was presumably in his eparchy.
The two inscriptions written more than an century apart attest to this object's remarkable journey from Ukraine, via Poland and Germany, to the United States.
Text transcription (front)
Сей Антімінсъ, сіесть Трапеꙁа с[вя]щенная, на приношеніе беꙁкровныя ж[е]ртвы въ Б[о]жественнѣй Літургіи, ѡс[вя]тися бл[а]годатію прес[вя]тагѡ и животворящагѡ Д[у]ха: сегѡ ради имѣетъ власть с[вя]щеннодѣствовати во храмѣ Преображенія Господня въ селѣ Поличинцахъ — неподвижно.
При Державѣ Бл[а]гочестивѣйшагѡ Самодержавиѣйшагѡ Великагѡ Г[осу]д[а]ря Нашегѡ ІМПЕРАТОРА НІКОЛАЯ ПАѴЛОВИЧА всея Рѡссіи: Бл[а]гословеніемъ С[вя]тѣйшагѡ Правительствующагѡ Сѵнода, с[вя]щеннодѣйствованъ Тогѡже С[вя]тѣйшагѡ Сѵнода Членом, Преѡс[вя]щеннымъ ФІЛАРЕТОМЪ, Митрополітомъ Кіевскимъ и Галицкимъ, и С[вя]щенно-Архімантритомъ Кіево-Печерскія Лаѵры, и Кавалеромъ. Лѣта міроꙁданія 7357, ѿ Р[о]ж[дес]тва же Хр[ис]това 1849 года, Індікта 8, Мѣсяца Ноемвріа въ [...] день.Text translation (front)
This antimension is a holy Table for the bringing of the bloodless sacrifice in the Divine Liturgy, sanctified by the grace of the Most Holy and Life-creating Spirit for the sake of having power to celebrate in the temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the village of Polychyntsi — permanent[?].
During the reign of our Most Pious, Most Sovereign and Great Ruler EMPEROR NIKOLAI PAVLOVICH of all Russia, with the blessing of the Most Holy Governing Synod, celebrated by the member of the selfsame Most Holy Synod, the most reverend FILARET, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galich, and Hiero-Archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechers'k Lavra, and Knight. In the year 7357 from the creation of the world and the year 1849 from the Nativity of Christ, the 8th indiction, in the month of November on the day [...].
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Antimension of Varlaam (Iasyns'kyi), 1692
Woodblock print on linen (17 in × 20 in)
UHEC Patriarch Mstyslav Museum Permanent Collection
This antimension demonstrates in no uncertain terms the change in the status of the Kyiv Metropolia that occurred in 1686. Unlike Sylvester Kosov and Dionisii Balaban just a few decades earlier, Varlaam is no longer "exarch of the Most Holy Apostolic Throne of Constantinople" and he is acknowledging the political rule of Moscow.
Iasyns'kyi studied at the Kyiv Collegium, then continued with further studies in Poland and Bohemia. He went on to become the rector of the Collegium, a monk at the Monastery of the Caves, where he managed the monastery's printing shop. Although Varlaam was elected locally and attempted to shield the Kyiv Metropolia from Moscow's interference, he was ultimately powerless in the face of the forces against him.Text transcription
Б[о]ж[ес]твенный и С[вя]щенный Олтарь Г[оспо]да Б[о]га и Сп[а]са н[а]шего І[су]са Хр[ис]та, Ѡс[вя]щен Бл[а]г[ода]тію Всес[вя]т[о]го и Животворящаго Д[у]ха. Рукодѣйстве[нъ] же и Бл[а]г[осло]вен Правосла[в]ным М[и]л[ос]тію Б[о]жіею Митрополитом Кіевски[м] Галіцки[м] и Все[я] Малы[я] Росіи, ВАРЛААМОМЪ. При Державѣ Пресвѣтлѣйшихъ державнѣйшихъ и Бл[а]гоч[eс]тивѣйшихъ Великихъ Г[осу]д[а]рей н[а]шихъ Ц[а]рeй и Великихъ Кн[я]зей ІѠАННА АЛЕѮѢЕВИЧА ПЕТРА АЛЕѮѢЕВИЧА, Всея Великія и Малыя и Бѣлыя Рѡссіи Самодержцeвъ.
В лѣто ѿ Соꙁданія Міра 7200 от Воплощенія же Б[о]га Слова 1692 М[ѣся]ца Марта, дня 24, Воіже С[вя]щеннодѣйствовати на немъ Б[o]ж[ес]твенную Лѵ[ту]ргію В храмѣ [...]
[signature of Metropolitan Varlaam]Text translation
The Holy and Sanctified Altar of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, sanctified by the grace of the All-holy and Life-creating Spirit. By the hand and blessing of the Orthodox (by the grace of God) Metropolitan of Kyiv, Halych, and all Little Russia VARLAAM. Under the rule of our most glorious, powerful, most benevolent and great rulers Tsars and Great Princes IVAN ALEKSEEVICH [and] PETER ALEXEEVICH, Monarchs of All Great, Little, and White Russia.
In the year 7200 from the creation of the world and the year 1692 from the Incarnation of God the Word, on the 24th day of the month of March, for the celebration on it of the Divine Liturgy in the church [...]
[signature of Metropolitan Varlaam]
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Antimension of Dionisii (Balaban), 1661
Woodblock print on linen (14 in × 16 in)
UHEC Patriarch Mstyslav Museum Permanent Collection
Unlike the antimension of Sylvester Kosov, this antimension has the much more traditional image of the Deposition in the Tomb. And even though it was made approximately a decade later, the woodblock printing on this antimension is of much poorer quality.
This is not surprising given the circumstances. After the Pereiaslav Agreement, forces under the control of Moscow had taken over Kyiv, and Balaban was forced to relocate west of the Dnipro River into Polish-controlled territory, so he probably would not have had access to the same skilled artists and artisans that he would have had in Kyiv.Text transcription
Б[о]ж[ес]твенный и с[вя]щенний олтаръ Г[оспод]а Б[ог]а и Сп[а]са н[а]шего ИІ[су]са Х[рист]а, ѡс[вя]щенъ бл[а]г[ода]тію всес[вя]т[а]го и житвотворящагѡ Д[у]ха: рукодѣствене й бл[агосло]ве[н] Б[о]г[о]любивы[м] Г[оспо]дино[м] Ѿце[м] Диѡнисіемъ Нахорохмъ[?] Балабано[м] М[и]л[ис]тію Б[о]жіею Преѡс[вя]щенний архиепископомъ Митрополитомъ Кіе[в]ски[м] Гали[ц]кимъ и всея рѡссіи Еѯархою с[вятѣйшаго] Апостолскагѡ Ѳрѡну Кo[н]ста[н]тінопо[л]ского: Ахимандритомъ Печерскимъ. При [?] Короля полского Іѡана Казимира. Лѣта Бытія міра 71[69] ѿ воплоще[ніа] X[ристо]вa 1661 М[ися]ца [...]Text translation
The Holy and Sanctified Altar of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, sanctified by the grace of the All-holy and Life-creating Spirit. By the hand and blessing of the God-loving Master Father Dionisii [?] Balaban, His Eminence (by the grace of God) Archbishop [and] Metropolitan of Kyiv, Halych, and all Rus', exarch of the Most Holy Apostolic Throne of Constantinople, Archimandrite of [the Monastery of] the Caves. Under [?] King of Poland John Casimir. In the year 71[69] from the creation of the world, and from the Incarnation of Christ 1661 in the month [...]
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