Autonomy Lost and Regained: The Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolia of Kyiv, 1633-2019

Antimension of Dionisii (Balaban), 1661

Woodblock print on linen (14 in × 16 in)
UHEC Patriarch Mstyslav Museum Permanent Collection

Unlike the antimension of Sylvester Kosov, this antimension has the much more traditional image of the Deposition in the Tomb. And even though it was made approximately a decade later, the woodblock printing on this antimension is of much poorer quality.

This is not surprising given the circumstances. After the Pereiaslav Agreement, forces under the control of Moscow had taken over Kyiv, and Balaban was forced to relocate west of the Dnipro River into Polish-controlled territory, so he probably would not have had access to the same skilled artists and artisans that he would have had in Kyiv.

Text transcription

Б[о]ж[ес]твенный и с[вя]щенний олтаръ Г[оспод]а Б[ог]а и Сп[а]са н[а]шего ИІ[су]са Х[рист]а, ѡс[вя]щенъ бл[а]г[ода]тію всес[вя]т[а]го и житвотворящагѡ Д[у]ха: рукодѣствене й бл[агосло]ве[н] Б[о]г[о]любивы[м] Г[оспо]дино[м] Ѿце[м] Диѡнисіемъ Нахорохмъ[?] Балабано[м] М[и]л[ис]тію Б[о]жіею Преѡс[вя]щенний архиепископомъ Митрополитомъ Кіе[в]ски[м] Гали[ц]кимъ и всея рѡссіи Еѯархою с[вятѣйшаго] Апостолскагѡ Ѳрѡну Кo[н]ста[н]тінопо[л]ского: Ахимандритомъ Печерскимъ. При [?] Короля полского Іѡана Казимира. Лѣта Бытія міра 71[69] ѿ воплоще[ніа] X[ристо]вa 1661 М[ися]ца [...]

Text translation

The Holy and Sanctified Altar of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, sanctified by the grace of the All-holy and Life-creating Spirit. By the hand and blessing of the God-loving Master Father Dionisii [?] Balaban, His Eminence (by the grace of God) Archbishop [and] Metropolitan of Kyiv, Halych, and all Rus', exarch of the Most Holy Apostolic Throne of Constantinople, Archimandrite of [the Monastery of] the Caves. Under [?] King of Poland John Casimir. In the year 71[69] from the creation of the world, and from the Incarnation of Christ 1661 in the month [...]

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